docker I came across this question from a team member who wanted to troubleshoot a dead container. I use the below process and I thought why not do a small write-up to help the wider audience?


The process is very simple - to save/commit the dead container to a new image and then start a new container with a sh entrypoint and debug the container. I consider you’re using docker, although similar equivalent commands for other container runtime alternatives like podman, ctr, etc. can also be found, the process will be similar.

# commit the stopped container to a new image
docker commit 25836caaa158 dead/test

# run docker images to see the image in the list of images present on the host
docker images
dead/test     latest  cc9db32dcc2d   2 seconds ago   280.7MB

# start a new container with shell entrypoint to debug
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint sh dead/test

After your debugging is completed, feel free to delete the image

docker rmi dead/test